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Bang Back Pinball League

Active from 04/05/2023 through 09/03/2024.

Played 4 seasons, 28 meets, 140 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars 682,519,390 682,519,390 682,519,390 1
Avengers Infinity Quest 48,383,300 60,131,550 36,635,050 2
Batman 66 30,769,540 58,230,860 10,477,740 5
Baywatch 352,949,940 352,949,940 352,949,940 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula 13,851,580 13,851,580 13,851,580 1
Cactus Canyon 9,801,960 15,509,090 4,500,270 7
Deadpool 54,137,810 98,666,110 12,480,050 5
Demolition Man 309,088,790 464,125,820 67,342,050 3
Dr. No 61,982,280 300,554,900 173,240 11
Foo Fighters 19,238,330 44,900,160 2,934,150 9
Game of Thrones 46,289,620 143,740,570 7,665,960 12
Genesis 198,920 343,180 96,090 4
Ghost Busters 7,105,140 7,105,140 7,105,140 1
Godzilla 54,238,960 177,298,730 10,534,900 7
Guardians 25,063,570 35,696,960 9,330,540 5
Hot Wheels 97,459,760 249,196,660 10,188,590 5
Iron Maiden 11,901,120 19,968,860 3,833,380 2
Jaws 103,085,950 172,044,510 67,348,180 3
John Wick 15,051,340 23,590,480 6,634,980 3
Jurassic Park 49,798,770 136,301,670 17,228,060 6
Led Zeppelin 19,678,980 29,788,260 9,569,700 2
Mandalorian 45,330,500 120,263,020 2,842,520 8
Metallica 9,217,430 9,217,430 9,217,430 1
Pulp Fiction 218,460 218,460 218,460 1
Rush 12,728,000 24,517,700 3,004,700 9
Star Trek 14,563,630 19,010,871 11,943,070 3
Star Wars Comic Book 298,897,660 644,584,290 66,331,020 6
Stranger Things 68,390,220 104,497,470 31,042,450 4
The Walking Dead 6,128,300 10,037,820 2,686,050 5
Total Nuclear Annihilation 487,150 487,151 487,151 1
Venom 22,923,380 31,683,010 13,375,800 3
Willy Wonka 428,180 1,055,280 103,990 4

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adrian Roberson8280.00%
Alex Welte2820.00%
Allison Brillhart5550.00%
Autumn Foy2340.00%
Ben Yarborough50100.00%
Bill Yarborough4180.00%
BJ Kaucher50100.00%
Brittney Matto11955.00%
Caroline Johnson16964.00%
Danielle Hiller1420.00%
David Kaucher3730.00%
Dean Grant50100.00%
Don Barry7370.00%
Dylan Longfellow2340.00%
Erin Sweeney4640.00%
Gabrielle Baggette9190.00%
Ida Foti3260.00%
James Jones1420.00%
Jeffrey Cooley9190.00%
Jen Floyd3260.00%
Katelyn Rush3260.00%
Kevin McClellan6460.00%
Kyle Black151550.00%
Kyle Welte13765.00%
Mark Widdis4640.00%
Megan Douglass31715.00%
Melanie DaVega50100.00%
Mia Henderson3260.00%
Pat Pietras050.00%
Paul Lopresti12380.00%
Raven Moonwillow8280.00%
Ray Rogers7846.67%
Riley Winslow6460.00%
Rock Sims3260.00%
Ronnie Kay6460.00%
Sam Bray2340.00%
Sandy Murray71335.00%
Sarah Kelly3260.00%
Sunny Hanisee4640.00%
Tyler Parsons6460.00%
Vicky Quinonez4180.00%

Badges Awarded (25)

Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 09/03/2024 (Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2024 meet 8)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 09/03/2024 (Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2024 meet 8)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 08/27/2024 (Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2024 meet 7)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 08/20/2024 (Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2024 meet 6)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 07/23/2024 (Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2024 meet 2)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 07/16/2024 (Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2024 meet 1)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 11/28/2023 (The Great Pinball Affair Fall League 2023 meet 8)
Buck Fitty
Buck Fitty
Earned for scoring 150 points in a season.

Earned 11/21/2023 (The Great Pinball Affair Fall League 2023 meet 7)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 10/12/2023 (The Great Pinball Affair Fall League 2023 meet 2)
Earned for scoring 8+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 08/08/2023 (Sun of a Beach - Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2023 meet 5)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 07/11/2023 (Sun of a Beach - Bang Back Pinball League Summer 2023 meet 1)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 05/23/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 8)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 05/23/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 8)
Buck and a Qtar
Buck and a Qtar
Earned for scoring 125 points in a season.

Earned 05/16/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 7)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 05/16/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 7)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 05/09/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 6)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 05/02/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 5)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 04/18/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 3)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 04/11/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 2)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 04/11/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 2)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 04/11/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 2)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 04/05/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 1)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 04/05/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 04/05/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 1)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 04/05/2023 (Spring Training Pinball League 2023 - BBPL meet 1)